Sometimes, as parents, we forget the impact that others can have in the lives of our children. Life can be a busy place, a series of tiny moments that lead to destiny. I can honestly say that without Mindy Pack crossing the path of my youngest child, Kaitlin, life would not be the rich and rewarding place it is today. Mindy opened the door for Kaitlin to what our family could never have imagined was possible, a dream that has come true.
Kaitlin’s older sister had always been interested and involved in performing. She had studied with Mindy for several years with overwhelming success, obtaining numerous leading roles and solo opportunities throughout our community. Kaitlin had watched her sister’s success and came to be interested in performing as well. After Kaitlin’s first lesson with Mindy, the outlook was realistic. Kaitlin did not have her older sister’s natural gift for music and performance, and her voice was almost nonexistent. Yet, Mindy decided to give Kaitlin a chance to follow that tiny ember of passion for the music. The two of them made a pact to keep working and keep trying while always relishing in the joy of the music.
In just six months of lessons Kaitlin’s voice grew by leaps and bounds. Mindy built not only Kaitlin’s vocal skill level, but also helped to strengthen her confidence, performance savvy, and true connection to the music. The path to success was not an easy one, but Mindy’s remarkable ability to assess each child and develop a teaching style that will be the most beneficial for that individual prevailed. As a teacher her endless encouragement, patience, persistence and tenacity helped Kaitlin realize her dream. Mindy continually found ways to motivate Kaitlin. She became the little girl who couldn’t wait for the next lesson. At home Kaitlin practiced perpetually, always eager to take the next step and master the technique or artistry Mindy had worked on with her that week. Kaitlin began to make strides in the performing community as well. Very early in Kaitlin’s study with Mindy, she landed what would be the first of many leading roles in school and community musicals. At festivals and competitions superior ratings and medals began adding up. Then later, dream roles like Cinderella, Fantine from Les Miserables, and Christine from Phantom moved from fantasy to reality with this uncontainable team of student and teacher.
Currently Kaitlin is auditioning for colleges and eager to take the next step as a vocal performer. She has received numerous vocal scholarships in both Classical Voice and Musical Theatre. This choice is open to her because Mindy has prepared Kaitlin so thoroughly for what lies ahead. Yet, no matter where Kaitlin chooses to attend, she knows she will continue to study with Mindy. Kaitlin’s trust in her beloved teacher is implicit. As a family we never could have imagined this moment, a moment that is only possible because Mindy Pack was willing to share her incredible expertise and talent and take a chance on a child who had a dream.
